
In process step 1, The logs are removed from the pond and cut according to the production plan. Accuracy in Cutting are Minutely Managed to obtain the best cutting.

The cut logs are cooked for 12 hours at a pre-set temperature of 60-80 degrees. Cooking is done to remove starch and to kill microscopic organisms.

After Passed from Step : 2 the cooked log is then peeled to the required thickness on the peeling machine. And Proceed to the next step for Reeling.

In these step the veneer is then reeled and taken to the clipper machine.

The clipping machine cuts the veneer into the required dimensions.

The dryer reduces the moisture content. Drying is done at a uniform temperature and also destroys microorganisms that may have survived the cooking process.

In house production of resin ensures uniform bonding.

Every batch of resin and plywood is tested in the well-equipped laboratory by the scientists.

Wide cross core veneer and long panel veneer are layered and glued to give the plywood greater strength and dimensional stability.

The Pre-press is unique as it expands and stabilizes the layer to give a warp-free product. It also ensures uniform spread of the specially formulated chemicals within the layers.

Each board is put separately into India’s first automatic hot-press for polymerization at a pre-set temperature. This ensures uniform density at all points in the plywood. After hot-pressing the boards are cooled for 24 hours.

The boards are trimmed horizontally and vertically. A unique technique of pre-cutting is used before the final cutting to ensure dimensional accuracy.

Surface sanding is done in an automatic wide-belt sanding machine. This gives a smooth surface to the plywood, which helps in a good surface finish required for interiors.

The plywood then comes in for the final quality inspection.

The plywood is loaded and despatched to the various destinations.

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